30+ Easy and Creative PTO Fundraising Ideas to Raise More

Whichever class has the largest jug value at the end of the specified time wins a class prize and all the coins are donated to the PTO/PTA. The PTO/PTA can supply bunny/Easter-themed bingo cards and jelly beans/regular dried beans/other egg-shaped markers of your choice. Video game tournaments are popular now but require a bit more technology and setup. If you aren’t able to get your hands on screens and gaming systems, there are so many other options. Avoid any spots that have a tip jar out for employees because you don’t want to be competing.
This is because people are generally more active in the warmer months. Walk-a-thons can also be held indoors if the weather is not good. Charge for class registration and watch your students teach community members about everything from cell phones to ChatGPT. This is when carnations are in season and their prices are at their lowest.
Host a race online to bring in support from entirely new networks of donors. Give students the freedom to choose where they’ll race and invite family and friends worldwide to join in the fun. Virtual event software makes it easier to create consistency for anyone who’d like to participate. Learning on the go is an unexpected perk of remote learning environments. However, we can’t forget virtual fundraising ideas to help you engage students near and far. As students get a bit older, find new ways to step up the engagement and interactivity of your fundraising ideas to spark new passions for giving back.
Get multiple bags and fill them with a variety of items – ranging from something from a dollar store to something quite expensive. This is the most basic, and perhaps an obvious, PTA fundraising idea. By setting up a membership program for all parents, PTAs can ensure a basic income for their association.
You can also substitute Disney characters or sports teams for superheroes. There are many different ways to design your own greeting cards. If you are selling them in stores, you will need to have professional-looking cards. First, you can set up receptacles around the school where students can drop off bottles and cans all year long. However, if you live in one of those states, this is a great opportunity for a fundraiser. If you don’t, many states have recycling centers that will take bottles or cans and pay by the pound rather than by the redeemable item.
With that said, here are some middle school fundraising idea s that make the grade. If you’re organized enough to consider an overnight camping trip with a gaggle of middle school students, you’re organized enough to run a great fundraiser. If you prefer to have students pay for their trip, it’s easy to set up an online donation form that makes it easy for their parents to do so.

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